Saturday, December 20, 2008

Horror movies

I have already vented a little about this topic to some friends, but may as well start the blog off with it also. I realize that most horror movies are basically the same rehashed 'plot', and this may seem petty but it is my blog. Why is there a need to remake the 'classics'? First was Texas Chainsaw Massacre which was then followed up with Halloween. Now we are getting Friday the 13th with A Nightmare on Elm Street in the works. Are these necessary?!?!! Before anyone (yeah like anyone is actually going to read this) points it out, I know that there are others that belong on this list-including The Hills Have Eyes, Black Christmas, Prom Night and the upcoming My Bloody Valentine. And these are just the horror remakes I won't even get started on the endless parade of sequels and TV shows made into movies.

I don't know why this irritates me so much, but it probably has to do with my love of these movies. The 80's were the era that spawned many of these movies and despite the awefulness of some of them I still have a soft spot in my heart for them. My tastes have developed a little more-I really can't get into the current trend of the 'torture porn' style. I have watched several (honestly can't remember exactly which) of the Saw franchise as well as both Hostels and can honestly say that none of them evoked the same feelings. Maybe I am jaded a little from the added years.

First I am not one of those people who complain about the gratuitous violence. Personally I love my horror movies. I just wish Hollywood would leave well enough alone and take the time and effort to develop an original idea. I know that The Strangers didn't do that well at the box office, but to me this movie had the feel of the older horror movies. It didn't rely on excessive bloodshed and, at least to me, really took me back. Once again I realize that mentioning excessive bloodshed may seem out of place in a topic like this, but go back and rewatch the first, original, Halloween. This movie didn't have a lot of onscreen killings or bloodshed and yet is considered to be one of the fathers of the stalker/killer genre.

I think it all comes down the the fact that everything must be bigger/bloodier/more explosive than what came before it. I can understand, and even appreciate, this a little, but I don't think it works for this type of movie. Managed to keep this rant pretty calm for something that really grates on me, but no guarantees for future posts. I also acknowledge that nothing much was said in it. Give me time to build some confidence.

USELESS TRIVIA ON TOPIC: Jason Voorhees didn't get the hockey mask until Part III

Jack: It's a full moon...
Jack, David: [remembering the warning they received] Beware the moon...
David: And stick to the road. [looking down to see they are off the road] Oops. -trailer for Friday remake

FAVORITE HORROR MOVIES: (not necessarily in any order and by no means complete)

An American Werewolf in London
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Friday the 13th
Friday the 13th: the Final Chapter
In the Mouth of Madness
Stir of Echoes
The Thing
Dawn of the Dead (original)another one I forgot for my list above
Evil Dead


mwf6171 said...

An American Werewolf in London......classic!!! The Thing was cool cause it had the science fiction aspect to it. Evil Dead.......anyone want an egg salad sandwich?!?!?!?! I guess you have dragged my butt to most of the movies listed above. I guess this is why I don't care for horror movies.

mwf6171 said...

An American Werewolf in London