Sunday, May 17, 2009


Renae De Liz -Typhoid Mary

Kevin Mellon -New Mutant girls (Magma, Magik, Wolfsbane, Mirage)

Jeremy Mohler - Mirror Master
Went to the Lawrence FreeCon yesterday (May 16) and was pleasantly surprised. I have been to the show the past two years and thought I knew what to expect. It is just a smaller, free show that highlights local, smaller press and indie talents. The only thing I had originally planned on getting was the headsketch by Mellon. I bought the print from him last year in Tulsa and found the original work on the site of his rep. After talking with him at a prior con we worked out a deal for the headsketch if I purchased the original. I figured I would take the print down and thumb through the dealer tables while I was waiting. At the very least I thought I might stumble on some deals or find a book I was needing.
After my brother, Mike, started looking at the site and contacting various artists he made arrangements to get some commissions. When it turned out he was unable to go to the show he asked me to get the art for him. Since I had no other plans I willingly agreed. Once I realized that I would probably be at the show for a little longer than I originally planned I went back over the guest list and decided I would try for some art also.
FRIDAY - Picked up his sketchbooks and cash and loaded them up with my books and wantlist. I had not yet decided on who I wanted to get and even more undecided on which artists to get. I had decided not to use the same artists as my brother so that way I could have all the books out at the same time and minimize the wait.
SATURDAY - Narrowed the list on characters for my sketches and dug out some references. Loaded up the truck and headed for the show. Doors opened at 10 A.M. and after some minor, and irritating, setbacks pulled into the lot about 10:25 A.M. Mike had made arrangements with two artists to get sketches in his book and two other sketches for friends. After getting my raffle ticket and free comic, I headed for artist alley. Mellon and the first artist Mike had talked to were not yet there, so I was a little relieved for running late. I went to the second artist Mike talked to and picked up his out of book commissions and let him know the situation regarding the book. No problems there and I started looking at the other artists samples and some of the dealer tables until I saw the missing artists come in about 10:45. Gave them a little time to set up and dropped off the book and print. I then decided to check with Jeremy Mohler and after hearing his prices and not being totally scared off, I gave him a choice of three characters-Captain Cold, Captain Boomerang and Mirror Master. Off to the dealer tables to look for books. Mike's first sketch is finished so I turn the book over to the next artist and have narrowed my choice down to two artists, and it came down to timing. Renae was finished with what she was working on and the other artist was only about half done.
Very pleased with the finished work on all three of my purchases at this show. Plus there was a very good turnout for the show. I think this was the busiest I had seen the FreeCon. I will definately be looking for these artists, including the ones I didn't get a sketch from, at future shows. A couple of them mentioned they might be at HeroesCon in Charlotte so I may have to make sure they are added to my list for that show.
Long, rambling post - so thanks for sticking with it. Excellent show and I give props out to the organizer and guests. I went in not expecting a lot, the one headsketch and maybe some books, and walked out with three great sketches and some unexpected finds in the books. Thanks to all.