Wednesday, October 21, 2009


yeah, i know it's been a while and won't even bother you with an excuse.

Actually this is going to be a short, quick post in itself. But what are you going to get? There have been several movie viewings (Sorority Row, Paranormal Activity, Jennifer's Body and Zombieland). Some new art acquisitions from various artists. Numerous DVD purchases and even a couple trips to the comic store. So what could i honor you with in this post? How about none of the above???

I now present to you a new endeavor that i hope to make a regular feature. Movie haiku!!!!! Now please bear in mind that i am in no way a professional and make no promises regarding the quality, but i am enjoying activity. Also don't feel bad if you don't recognize some of the movies being described, my tastes in movies can be a little out there, and for some i chose to use or reference a particular scene that stood out for me. Also it's probably a given that some movies are going to warrant more than one haiku. For the initial post i will keep it to more mainstream stuff. I will not list titles and if either of the readers (even thinking i have one may be overestimating) have a question either comment here or shoot me an e-mail and i will enlighten you. Thanks for indulging my crazy whims and hopefully you see at least one that you like.

Brits turn cannibal
Winchester is safe haven
Shaun, aim for the head

Summer camp hijinks
Counselor's inobservant
He's a momma's boy

Angels on the prowl
Muse, Rufus inspire journey
It's armageddon

That seems like a nice set to start with. Got a lot more already and plan on continuing at least in my book if not on here. Thanks for looking

Sunday, August 23, 2009

rants, raves & musings

aren't you all the lucky ones? It seems that I am willing to do almost anything to procrastinate doing homework and it has even fallen to updated by blog! :-P So prepare for massive posting since the semester is just getting started! LOL

Actually been semi-busy here lately, so I am going to try and cram several things into this initial post. First some raves.

Blackest Night is a new 8 issue series being published by DC Comics in connection mainly with their Green Lantern titles. I have only read the first issue so far (picked up #2 last weekend but haven't had the chance to read it) and if it can maintain the momentum and intensity for the remainder of the series this is going to be a FUN ride! DC zombies, Geoff Johns writing, Ivan Reis pencils, death of prominent characters, promises of much more to come - what's not to love? My only potential drawback is that with DC bringing back most of their dead characters it could provide them with an easy way to shuffle some back into the 'real world' when the series ends. There could be some magical save and now we have the return of Blue Beetle(Ted Kord version), Terra I, the original Hawk & Dove, or any of the countless other Titans that have been massacred over the years in the name of senseless cannon fodder for the massive crossover beast. Overall I have hopes and faith in Johns that he won't resort to something like this, but not as much in the DC editors who may want to finally try and have a total reboot to a simpler, more light-hearted era.

Based solely on reading issue #1 and a quick scan of #2 - ***** out of *****

After a random stop at Toys 'R' Us about a month ago I discovered that the newest wave of DC Universe figures had finally made it to my region!!!! Alas at that time they no longer had the figures I was hoping for - Dr. Fate (preferably both versions) and Hawkgirl. Well once I know that my target is within my grasp, the hunt is on. I have a slight tendency to be a little OCD.... okay that's a bit of an understatement - I would stop by almost everyday after work to see if they had restocked their shelves yet. Finally (I believe it was day 4) I found my main objective. The 'classic' version of Dr. Fate was left on the peg as if by magic waiting for me to only supply the justification in my mind that I needed to add it to my collection - well that and the $$$$, but that came later. Still would like to find the variant, but not a 'must have' and the Hawkgirl was always going to be sight purchase depending upon how well the sculpt/paint looked. So my obsession has dampened a little-just try and hit the store on the weekends now, but the search continues. Haven't had the heart to remove him from the packaging yet, maybe if I find the variant the original will be freed from his clamshell tomb.

Last weekend was the G.I. Joe convention - an annual celebration of all things Joe and was held this year in Kansas City. I was never a huge fan of Joe, but felt kind of obligated to go since it was this close and there are some obvious ties to comics. Plus the guest list included Larry Hama and Greg Horn. Interesting show! Lots of dioramas were on display with some being very intricate and detailed (sorry no pics, I didn't take anything to get signed and didn't want to have the hassle of carrying the camera). I did swing by Horn's booth and got a couple of prints from him. The first was the 'official' show print and was being offered with Baroness in red (as pictured) or the more classic black uniform. The second picture is obviously not G.I. Joe related. This one is for a friend who is a huge Thor fan - I'll get it in the mail at some point Alex - plus it was a San Diego ComiCon exclusive print, so that was a little bit of a bonus as well.

one last rave while it's fresh in my mind

Since I had finished a little bit of homework last night, I 'treated' myself to a night at the cinema. Inglourious Basterds opened this weekend and I was curious. Never been a huge Tarantino fan, but enjoy most of his stuff and the trailers for this really drew me in. WOW!! that is really the first word that came to mind after I saw it. This is a great movie. Unfortunately I can see it not having a long life in theaters. The trailers play it up as being pretty action packed - and there are scenes that are very action movie oriented, but this is Tarantino after all and we all know what that means - talking. There were very long stretches that were 'just' the characters sitting around talking - you know character development type stuff. I have a feeling that it is going to do really well this first week or two and then when people have had a chance to tell friends about it, the box office will drop since it wasn't entirely explosions and Nazi killing-even though there was a lot of the second and even some of the first! Sure some of the film was a little over the top, and it took some liberties with actual history, but WHO CARES!!!? This was an excellent movie and you could tell that Tarantino put a lot of care into making it. I have read a little online about it and found some comments that mirror what I was thinking, but couldn't put my finger on - the main one being this was made more like a spaghetti western than a war movie-this includes, at least to me, the opening segment right down to the music. So glad Tarantino did this deliberately and I am not going totally insane. Another thing that jumped out to me was, for some reason, Brad Pitt made me think of Lee Marvin. This is not a bad thing, especially since Marvin led the Dirty Dozen and I think it was more the appearance-the wrinkles around the eyes in the early scenes when he is recruiting the basterds. I would recommend this film, just don't go in expecting a genre film, unless that genre is Tarantino.

This turned out rather long winded so I will wrap it up - musings later and most assuredly rants are on the way also. Thanks to any readers for indulging my post.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

kit - Deathstroke the Terminator

Probably going to be another semi-quick post, but it's been a week and I still haven't properly thanked Mr. Kevin Comer. He took time out of his busy schedule to build/paint this kit for me and for that I am VERY thankful. Don't worry Kevin something is in the works as a more appropriate thanks. Anyway I found this kit from a garage kit site that I lurk on and loved it. I have always had a soft spot for the character and this kit really is a nice representation of him. A nice little bonus with this kit was the change-o-head option. It came with both a masked and unmasked head for your displaying option. Basically I wanted a classic Perez feel to it and the only 'mods' I suggested were moving his staff to his back (originally it was mounted on his left hip - I felt like it being there was 'in the way' of his sword arm) and I wanted a little blood on the sword. You can see some in progress pics on Comer's blog - link below. I won't ramble any more since I know what few visitors that do come here are looking more at the pictures than my nonsense. So now onto the photo goodness: I present to you Mr. Slade Wilson a.k.a. Deathstroke the Terminator. The last pics are the statue in front of my recently acquired (thanks again Mike) Hawkman. I sat the statue there to clear a spot and get the camera ready and discovered that it makes a nice scene displayed there on a full time basis.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


couldn't get into the All-Star game like I thought I would, so figured I may as well throw out a quick post. Nothing really to say just wanted to post up some new art that I received. My brother surprised me with a commission from Australian artist Wayne Nichols. I was so taken with his art that I ended up contacting him and lining up a couple of my own. Don't want to spoil the surprise of what I am getting until they arrive, which may be awhile according to Wayne. He is attending the San Diego Convention so he probably won't get started until he returns home after the show. Oh well, I have waited this long a little longer won't kill me.
Also finally signed up on Facebook and have been poking around there and trying to figure it out. No guarantees that I am making any progress, but I think I am starting to get the hang of it. Starting to search around and see if any artists or friends are on.
As I said quick, boring post, but I did get the art posted I think I am caught up on any new art that I have got. Plus with a couple shows coming up in August it's probably best that I don't fall behind. I don't know that I am going to add anything else this year, but you never know. As much as I would like all my art to be in my sketchbooks I have started getting more loose so despite the lack of cons I may end up with more before the next major con.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

HeroesCon part II

Start with the print available to advance ticket holders. Signed & numbered 68/1200 by Bill Sienkiewicz. I will try and post a little more general con review later, but for now onto the art!!

Kid Flash by Tom Lyle. Tom was a late addition and wasn't even mentioned on the online list. After I stumbled across his name in the program I knew I had to add him to my book. Very glad he was able to squeeze me in before a panel on Sunday.

Bullseye - pencils by John Tyler Christopher / inks by Bernard Shepard. Both members of Studio Revolver and nice guys in general. Noticed a set of Seven Deadly Sins prints by John and was able to get the Bullseye by him.

Beaker by Roger Langridge. After seeing the Zoot that Chris got from Roger, I was glad that I was able to get on his commission list. Another really nice guy.

Deathstroke by Andy Black. Presented Andy with an option of about 5 different characters and told him it was his choice. I think he chose wisely.

Dr. Strange by George Perez. Missed out on the raffle of Friday, but was able to score a very nice sketch in Saturday's drawing. Went into the show not even thinking about getting a sketch from him and didn't even have a character in mind while I was standing in line in the morning. Of course anything by Perez would be a worthy addition to the sketchbook, but I am glad I picked the good Dr.

Captain Cold and Loki by Chris Giarrusso. I had seen his stuff posted by others before and had a rough time selecting the characters, but was pleased with the end results.

Spider Woman and Dr. Light by Rhiannon Owens. Ran across her in Artists Alley and was taken by her art. After inquiring as to her rates (VERY reasonable) and avialability (wide open sketch list) I picked Dr. Light. After seeing how well it turned out I knew I had to get another. Spider Woman jumped to mind and after I quick search through the $1 boxes I found a reference book.

Modred by Chistian N. St. Pierre. After viewing his art prior to the show I thought he could do justice to Modred. It turns out he was only doing headshots, but still a nice sketch for the book

Mirage by Bob McLeod. First one on my sketchlist. I had contacted Bob prior to the show and dropped the book off with himfirst thing Friday morning. It makes a nice addition to the Shadowcat that he did for me a couple of years ago. Yet another very nice guy.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Back from Charlotte and finally posting some pictures. First up - some of the costumes that were on display. Forgive any fuzziness, I am still getting used to using the camera. I think most came out okay for the most part. Overall it was another great show and I picked up some very nice artwork-by both established artists and some new talent, at least new to me. I will probably post up the artwork this weekend.


Hulk - Wonder Girl/Woman - Supergirl


Black Canary

Crow vs Joker


Harley Quinn


Scarlet Witch & Wasp


Baroness & Cobra Commander

Green Lantern - Wonder Woman - Captain America

Power Puff Girls

Wonder Girl/Woman

Storm Shadow

Blade & Luke Cage-Power Man

Green Lanterns John Stewart & Hal Jordon

ex Luthor & Superman


Warbird/Ms. Marvel & Golden Age Flash

Evil Mary Marvel

Super Lois Lane from All-Star Superman

Isaiah Bradley - the original Captain America

Mary Marvel