Tuesday, July 14, 2009


couldn't get into the All-Star game like I thought I would, so figured I may as well throw out a quick post. Nothing really to say just wanted to post up some new art that I received. My brother surprised me with a commission from Australian artist Wayne Nichols. www.wnichols.com I was so taken with his art that I ended up contacting him and lining up a couple of my own. Don't want to spoil the surprise of what I am getting until they arrive, which may be awhile according to Wayne. He is attending the San Diego Convention so he probably won't get started until he returns home after the show. Oh well, I have waited this long a little longer won't kill me.
Also finally signed up on Facebook and have been poking around there and trying to figure it out. No guarantees that I am making any progress, but I think I am starting to get the hang of it. Starting to search around and see if any artists or friends are on.
As I said quick, boring post, but I did get the art posted I think I am caught up on any new art that I have got. Plus with a couple shows coming up in August it's probably best that I don't fall behind. I don't know that I am going to add anything else this year, but you never know. As much as I would like all my art to be in my sketchbooks I have started getting more loose so despite the lack of cons I may end up with more before the next major con.

1 comment:

Rod said...

It's so funny to see the commenst about getting more art with hindsight....LOL