Sunday, January 24, 2010

what color is your ring?

answers and haiku's before i explain the title. Last post (was it really only last week?) gave us Zombieland, Clerks and Tapeheads. Kept them pretty easy up to now. Got one in this batch that of my two 'regular' followers i know only one knows and might get.

zombies roam the globe

safety sought in local mall

hey wait! mall....maul.....hmmm

Jack's inner voice reigns

creating multiple clubs

project mayhem strives

troubled painter cracks

endless cycle starts anew

say goodbye Amber

that ends this round of poetry, so if that is all you were after feel free to continue on with your internet browsing. Now on to the whine


one of my prior posts included a little rant regarding an event crossover occurring in DC Comics - Blackest Night. One of the plotlines involved different individuals getting power rings of various colors based on which 'emotion' most defines them. During a skype session we were asked the question that titles this post and my first response was red, of course. Since that time i have read some more of the issues and crossovers and have given it some thought. This posting will look a little at each of the rings and let me also see how well my first instinct was.

First up is the black ring dealing with death. This rings causes the dead to rise and attack their former friends and/or enemies. At first thought it would seem like this is a natural for me given my love of zombie movies and horror movies in general, but the rings only go to the deceased so this was an easy one to scratch off the list. The black ring is the only one that goes to the dead, however, so once i am gone it's a gimmie.
Moving on to the blue ring next. This ring signifies the emotion of hope. While not being a total pessimist, i can honestly say that i am not instilling hope in very many people. Another one that was quick to cross off the list.

Next we go to the indigo ring which represents compassion. Again while not totally lacking in compassion for my fellow man, it is not something i am/will be known for. Quick example - this last week i happened to be looking out my front window and noticed a kid walking down the street stop and scoop up some snow that was piled along the side of the road. He then formed a crude snowball and lobbed it at the neighbor's house. It didn't hit it, or even really come close, but it did cause a little response in me and i stayed watching in case he decided to continue in his efforts or switch targets to my house. He chose neither and started walking on down the street, at which point he slipped on the ice on the road and fell flat on his @$$. The weilder of the blue ring would have been concerned - my only concern was that i would hurt myself because i was laughing so hard. That may have been the moment when my name was permanently removed from the list of potential blue ring holders.

Quick easy one for the violet ring, representing love. For some reason all the bearers of this ring are female. Even if there were males with a violet ring, i don't think this would be my calling. While i do have great love toward certain things/topics, i think the premise of this plot device is that the rings seek out an individual that could be considered an example of the emotion. Again i am not going to be what others see as a poster child for this one.

Yellow rings are given to individuals that 'inspire' fear. While this would be something i have no problems with on a basic level, i think it may be more want over actuality. Fear is another thing that is probably far from anyone's thoughts when i am mentioned. Still, my interest in phobis and fear (again exampled from my choice in movies) had me at least letting this ring move up the list some. While i understand that there is a difference between fear by intimidation and the fear that mental anguish can cause, neither one is going to be calling my name in the immediate future.

With the orange ring of greed we start moving into the realm of possibility. Being an avid collector this is an obvious one for me to possess. All collectors continually see or hear of something that would be a great addition to their collection. The hunt obsession can then be all consuming. This, i think, is why the orange ring will never rise above #3 on my list. While i do strive to find the 'grail' for my collection and then move on to the next after it is discovered, i lack the real single mindedness that has been displayed by the lone holder of an orange ring. Plus for me half the fun of the collection is being able to share (or show-off) what i have amassed. Larfleeze would never want others to know what he has for paranoia that they would steal it from him. So the orange ring seems unlikely also, but who knows what could happen as i age.Green rings of willpower. Can stubbornness be attributed to willpwer? Sure seems like it could to me. That may be the only way i manage to get one of the emerald rings, or course that almost goes against the heroic nature of bearing the ring. This one is a pretty good possibility, but if it were to happen i would only hope that my 'uniform' were to lean more toward the one Kyle had at the start of his career as a Lantern. Loved the 'crab' mask and the gauntlets!! Sitting back and thinking about it, it seems more likely than i first thought. I could see a green ring, but i think i would be pretty far down on the list of candidates. My only hope may be the 'proximity' clause-lol.

Red rings of rage - oh yeah, this is still mine. Get cut off on the road - rage. Plans go astray - rage. Anything related to work - rageX100. I definitely see this being the first choice for me. Have been working on the rage thing, but still seems likely that should a circumstance arise that would bring about the distribution of rings a scarlet one would be on my finger.

kind of a different post this time around, but still fits my self imposed requirement to try and post every Sunday (barring any plans that involve not being able to access my blog). All that being said, i am anxious to see the wrap up to Blackest Night - in particular i want to see what DC does with the new 'deputy' lanterns that appeared at the end of #6

One thing i find really interesting here, is how Atom is depicted. He represents the Indigo Lanters and while the ones we have seen are referred to as a "tribe", i would like to know if Atom appearing as a cross of their appearance and his costume from the Sword of the Atom days is some kind of attempt to say this somehow goes back that far? His costume had not been torn in the battle so why give him the throwback look? This aspect is really distracting to me and i hope it will be addressed - none of the others, beside Wonder Woman to some extent, had their costumes altered. Oh well, it's been a real long post this time around and if i continue here it will be way too long. Maybe next time

one request before i go - if you are reading this, give it some thought and post a reply with what your ring would be. Don't need to go into great detail, but i am curious who else will be in my 'corps'


Mike G! said...

I want to be a Red Lantern and vomit all over my enemies. And I'd have a cool cat!!! Go Dax-Star!!!

But, in all honestly, I'd probably get chosen for the Indigo Tribe, which would be cool because I could speak a funky language!

Rod said...

I'm a definite Green :D

Willpower\Stuborness is one of my strongest traits....

As for this weeks haiku(s)

Dawn Of The Dead

Fight Club

Spiral ( with a lot of help ;) )