Sunday, January 17, 2010


Happy New Year!! managed to get a post in before the new year is a month old so i figure i am off to a good start. Plus looking back i was able to get more posts in during my second year, so efforts will be taken to increase again this year.

alright first let's give the answers to the haikus from last time - they were, of course Shaun of the Dead, Friday the 13th and Dogma. like i said pretty easy to start off and a couple new ones that are for some of my favorite movies (and again answers next post)

Zombie survivors

all for want of a twinkie

remember the rules

Dante and Randall

working stiffs stuck at their jobs

stupid customers

Video aces

Norman heading for trouble

two ninja bitches

and as a bonus since you all/both/any have been so patient i will actually post a little whine this time around.

being the total obsessive nerd that i am i decided to go back and rewatch all 5 previous seasons of Lost before the final one starts in Feb. just started Season 4 so it looks like it will be possible for me to accomplish my self imposed task-might even get a mini marathon in during one of the two weekends prior to the new episode. some thoughts regarding the show so far:

overall i thought it has held up pretty well despite some spoilers that occur naturally from the show progressing. it was interesting to go back and rewatch the first season and see how much mystery and suspense played in the storylines. then add paranoia and conflict in Season 2 with the 'introduction' of the Others and the first two seasons almost play like an extended story. Season 3 is much maligned among Lost fans. there was a lot of potential for shark jumping during this season and i was a little reluctant to go back and rewatch. however, i had made a pledge to watch them in order and there was no avoiding it, plus there were several episodes during this season that i had only seen when they first aired. trying to remain open minded with the season i found that even though it had it's rough spots it wasn't quite as bad as i remembered.

given the circumstances the creators placed on themselves - (Michael, Walt leaving the island - Jack, Kate, Sawyer captured ) it left a void that was hard to fill. they had not made any effort to get us to care about any of the other Oceanic survivors and now we were expected to accept that after seeing minor characters waft in and out of scenes adding nothing (except some occasional comic relief -"Dude you have some Arst on you") they could carry storylines and get our sympathy. granted the story with Nikki and Paulo was self contained but it did not bode well for any other secondary characters. instead they focused heavily on the plight of the captured three and gave some insight into the Others. while it does deserve some of the criticism, i think season 3 was just too much of a departure from what had come before it. by now most of the noises in the jungle had been (somewhat) explained, the Others were seen in their true light (although not fully understood) and most of the supporting characters were gone. the focus was shifted to more personal/dramatic storylines and i think it just didn't sit well with most, who tuned in for the latest mind games.

some other things i noticed during rewatching - Hurley, Charlie and Locke still remain my favorites. adn given the fickle nature of killing off characters i was pleased that if Charlie had to go, he at least had a major contribution to the storyline. (Mr. Eko i am looking at you - what was the reasoning behind his 'death'?) Desmond really grew on me as the seasons progressed and by the end of Season 5 i am really liking him. it was interesting to see how much the story came to revolve around him and his backstory, not bad for someone that wasn't even in Season 1. the introduction of the freighter crew in Season 4 also added Miles and Dan to my favorites. The Constant remains an excellent episode i am really looking forward to rewatching! rambled on for way too long, but almost forgot to mention Benjamin Linus. GREAT actor giving us a character that we should hate but can't look away from. he manipulates and controls people at will all the while moving everyone toward whatever goal suits his interest the best. cannot wait for the last season to start and am trying to keep my enthusiasm at a level where my hopes don't get too high.


mwf6171 said...

Not sure on hiaku #1 but I know 2 and 3!!

mwf6171 said...

not sure on the first, but I know the second and third!

Rod said...



