Saturday, January 3, 2009


I am like the rest of the world in the fact that I make, and ultimately don't keep, new year's resolutions. This ties into the previous post in I find that the older I get the more I should keep some of these resolutions. I.E. if I want to live to regret not keeping some of these new year's promises I have to actually start keeping some of them. hell of a paradox isn't it?

Keeping that in mind this year I am going to make a genuine effort to try and keep some of them-at the least through January. Keeping that in mind I am also going to be a little more selective and careful in making them for '09. Sure I could take the easy way out and pick

  1. eat more red meat ( meat)
  2. sleep more
  3. exercise even less (if that is possible)
  4. ignore any potential health concerns
But I am also trying to be realistic and feasible. I am also including a couple that I had managed to be successful with in the past, but fell off the wagon. Experts say that it takes two weeks to make something a habit. No matter how much I tell myself this, it doesn't seem to be effective. All that being said I will now bore you with my list for '09
  1. drink less soda (had managed to avoid the stuff entirely for over a year and then 'one little taste' and I was hooked again) I am really going to try and limit my intake to one day a week. Of course this means that I will be consuming the stuff for 23 hours on that one day - I do have to allow myself time to get rid of it. 8P
  2. stop picking/chewing my fingernails. Yeah I know gross, disgusting and whatever else you want to call it, but it is a nervous habit for me. This one will be the toughest because it is so easy to catch myself unconsciously doing it. I figure to help break myself of this habit I will allow unlimited toe access. Enjoy that mental image
  3. less swearing. Relatively easy if I limit the amount of time I spend at work. Believe it or not this is where most of the blue language emits from me. Not saying I don't swear at home or on the road, just that more occurs on the job. So that being said I will take as much sick time/vacation time possible. I did manage to limit myself the one day of the new year spent at work so far, so this one is doable. Of course my blood pressure and general well being may not fare so well. It is a trade-off and leads into the next one.
  4. try and take better general care of myself. I figure the easiest way to keep this one will be to limit my food intake a little better and get out and walk more. Should be fairly easy, but also the easiest to break. Oh if I just have all of this cake I will be extra careful tomorrow and get up early to walk the dog. Both the dog and I know this won't happen.

All that being said I reserve the right to edit said list at any time during the upcoming year. I will try and update how goes any of the resolutions. Also by no means is this the complete list, just the ones I can think of at the moment.

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